Derby Harrington leads the clique, and Bif Taylor is his bodyguard and second-in-command. There seems to be no real hierarchy below that level, although Tad Spencer is seen giving orders in two missions and has aspirations to take over the clique.The Preppies are the third clique in the hierarchy, above the Nerds andBullies, but below the Greasers and Jocks.
Derby Harington : Leader
Bif Taylor : Derby Bodyguard
Tad Smith Althorp Smith (Tad Spencer) : Boy Member
Gord Vendome : Boy Member
Pinky Gauthier : Girl Member
Clique Information
All of the Preppies are rich and, with the exception of Tad, most of them are Old Money. They are also snobbish, and look down on anyone below their class, and have a rivalry with the Greasers for this reason. In an attempt to show their superiority, many of them, apart from Bif, Parker, and Pinky, speak with a faux upper class English accent. They hang out at Harrington House on school campus, and some can be found in the Library. A single Prep can rarely be found at the Auto Shop tagging crude remarks about the Greaser's, who will attack if they see a Prep in their territory. Outside of campus they can be found around Old Bullworth Vale, and at the Boxing Gym as well as a single member in New Coventry egging buildings.
Derby Harington : Leader
Bif Taylor : Derby Bodyguard
Tad Smith Althorp Smith (Tad Spencer) : Boy Member
Gord Vendome : Boy Member
Pinky Gauthier : Girl Member
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